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Top Ranked Hospitals

The following is a list of hospitals in the United Arab Emirates that provide Cancer treatment


Tawam Hospital Al-Ain

Tawam Hospital was established in 1979 under the auspices of John Hopkin's University. The hospital works hand in hand with the University which has a research facility. This ensures that treatment is always up to date with global research and is the referral centre for Oncology. 


Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi

A cancer centre dedicated specifically for oncology treatment. The doctors running the team also have much experience within the UAE


Al Zahra Dubai

Al Zahra specialise in surgical oncology with a strong and comprehensive team.


Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

A unique and unparalleled extension of US-based Cleveland Clinic’s Model of Care, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi provides direct access to the world’s best healthcare, reducing the need for patients to travel abroad for treatment.